Live streamers on Twitch, a popular streaming platform that lets gamers create and watch live broadcasts, can now accept cryptocurrency donations.
Streamlabs, which creates software that lets users on Twitch accept tips, just added support for Bitcoin, Ethereum, Litecoin, and Bitcoin Cash.
The company says it’s just getting started. It plans to add more coins in the future, and is open to feedback via Twitter.
Streamers can link their Streamlabs account to their Coinbase account and accept crypto tips with no additional fees.
The new version of Streamlabs’ streaming software went into open beta in January, and the company now says it helps power 15% of all streams on Twitch.
Streamlabs paid out over $34 million in tips in Q1 2018, up 33% from Q4.
Millions of visitors log onto Twitch each month, with the site currently ranked at number 33 worldwide on Alexa.
Amazon bought Twitch for $970 million in 2014.