“I’m not a mathematician, or a cryptographer or a coder. I’m old
enough to have totally come from the analog world, but became
very involved and interested in the Internet and technology in
the 80s. I came to know a lot of people in that space like the
cypherpunk community going back to the 60s and 70s, who had
been trying to solve the problem that Satoshi, whoever Satoshi is,
solved. I understood what the problem and solution were before
I understood it as this thing called blockchain.” – Alex Winter
Trust Machine: The Story of Blockchain asks very simple questions to convey very complex ideas. It wants to know why we need banks. Why should governments be involved in money? The feature-length documentary film, directed by Alex Winter and produced by SingularDTV, has a tall order: to break down the concepts and ideas that are driving the tsunami behind cryptocurrencies and blockchain-based startups.
Left in its wake will be uprooted banks and middle men. Standing on the bedrock will be the technologists and computer scientists, the same ones who survived the 2008 global financial crisis and who have spent the past 10 years envisioning the best economic system human civilization has ever seen.
Refusing to give it back to the bankers, blockchain developers are fighting. And they don’t need Bitcoin to do it. That’s just one use case among hundreds and thousands of solutions that can eliminate corruption, skimming, manipulation and systemic greed. The tech is a trust machine, and Winter puts a face on the world of possibilities and its creators. The tech will touch money, identity, privacy, assets, energy distribution, logistics and governance – reconfiguring each and every one of them.
Trust Machine will have its theatrical release in Los Angeles on November 16 following its premiere in New York on October 26. To host a screening, click here.
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