Ethereum co-founder and founder of ConsenSys Joseph Lubin just dropped the mic on Twitter, outlining the reasons why he believes blockchain is a movement, and Ethereum is on top.
Lubin highlights the growing DApp ecosystem along with blockchain-based solutions to a range of different problems facing governments and financial service providers around the world – from Estonia, Dubai, South Africa, Japan, Switzerland and the Philippines to Chile.
According to Lubin, big business and enterprises “get it.” They’re advancing their own private blockchains while decentralized platforms such as Brave and Civic are growing. He calls the crypto community “weird and amazing”, while also calling out user interfaces that are getting “more beautiful by the day.”
Here’s an uncut look at Lubin’s epic tweetstorm.
Market cap doesn't reflect activity. Decentralized networks are growing.
-10B+ daily API requests served by @infura_io
-1M+ @trufflesuite downloads
-1M+ @metamask_io downloads
-12K+ live @Ethereum nodes
-48M+ unique #Ethereum addresses
-3x @LinkedIn #blockchain job openings— Joseph Lubin (@ethereumJoseph) December 1, 2018
Enterprises get it.
–@EY_US puts zero-knowledge proofs on #Ethereum
–@Kaleido_io plugs into @awscloud & @Azure
–@ProcterGamble, @GSK & @BHP are tracking goods on Ethereum
–@Hyperledger & @EntEthAlliance join forces
–@MorganStanley declares crypto a new institutional asset class— Joseph Lubin (@ethereumJoseph) December 1, 2018
#Blockchain projects are bringing relief to people who need it most.
-@ConsenSysImpact & Project Bifrost
–@HalaSystems early threat detection
-Blockchain-authenticated food vouchers for Syrian refugees
–@ethBounties ocean cleanup in Manila
-Much more on— Joseph Lubin (@ethereumJoseph) December 1, 2018
The blockchain ecosystem is interoperable and working together.
-StandardBounties + @GetGitcoin
–@AirSwap + @Opera + @MeridioRE
–@AragonProject, @DharmaProtocol, and @ZeppelinOrg on @kauri_io
–@polkadotnetwork interchain protocol
-BTC Relay
–@cosmos parallel blockchains network— Joseph Lubin (@ethereumJoseph) December 1, 2018
We have tools. So. Many. Dev. Tools.
–@infura_io's secure, reliable, and scalable access to Ethereum and IPFS.
–@trufflesuite development made easy
-Pantheon from @PegaSysEng joins the client game
–@Kaleido_io blockchain business cloud
-Relayers— Joseph Lubin (@ethereumJoseph) December 1, 2018
UI gets friendlier and more beautiful by the day. Mobile is here.
–@MessariCrypto token research
-Rimble design system from @ConsensysDesign
–@AlethioEthstats analytics suite
–@numerai Erasure data marketplace
–@CasaHODL multisig wallets
–@etherscan— Joseph Lubin (@ethereumJoseph) December 1, 2018
The #blockchain space is full of open source heroes. We stand on the shoulders of giants.
-Satoshi gave us the code
–@aantonop keeps advocating the cause
–@VitalikButerin cares more about the ecosystem than personal fame
–@tayvano_ gave us a free interface for Ethereum wallets— Joseph Lubin (@ethereumJoseph) December 1, 2018
Decentralization is not just technological. It is social. Organizations are evolving.
-Bridgewater’s radical transparency
–@Zappos flat hierarchy
-Valve’s rolling desk mentality
-Remote-first companies are tapping into global talent
–@ethBounties's global freelance economy— Joseph Lubin (@ethereumJoseph) December 1, 2018
The gamers that play around with dice, kitties, and dApps
The people at legacy institutions who demand their firms innovate
The kids that take the time to create @metamask_io accounts for their parents
The professors and academics who pioneer advancements in cryptography— Joseph Lubin (@ethereumJoseph) December 1, 2018
[the_ad id="42537"] [the_ad id="42536"]I still believe.
Alright enough tweetstorming. Let's get back to work.
— Joseph Lubin (@ethereumJoseph) December 1, 2018