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India’s Central Bank Launches Digital Asset Research Group After Blocking ‘Private’ Crypto

The Reserve Bank of India (RBI) will explore launching its own rupee-backed digital fiat currency. The bank maintains its interest…

August 31, 2018

China Targets Offshore Crypto Exchanges as Alibaba’s Ant Financial Reportedly Steps in to Monitor Transactions

China is set to broaden its crackdown on cryptocurrency. South China Morning Post reports that China will block more than…

August 24, 2018

China Shuts Down Social Media Accounts Covering Bitcoin, Crypto and Blockchain

The Chinese government has shut down blockchain and Bitcoin related accounts on the popular social media app WeChat. Now one…

August 23, 2018

Crypto Leaders Join Forces to Score SEC Approval and Spur Mass Adoption

Major players in the crypto space are uniting to form a new self-regulatory body to improve standards. The Virtual Commodity…

August 20, 2018

Bitcoin, Crypto and Banks: Economist Says It’s the End of Government Monopoly on Money

Jeffrey Tucker, economist and editorial director for the American Institute for Economic Research, is calling out banking elites and governments…

August 12, 2018

First Crypto Member of US Congress Revealed: Portfolio Includes Bitcoin, Ethereum and Bitcoin Cash

A member of the US House of Representatives has just disclosed how much cryptocurrency is in his portfolio. The House…

August 6, 2018

US Treasury Department Says Crypto Is ‘Poised to Impact Innovation in Financial Services’

The US Treasury Department has released a much-anticipated report on emerging trends in the financial sector, including cryptocurrency. The seminal…

August 1, 2018

European Parliament Says Cryptocurrency Can Be Used as an Alternative to Money

A new analysis from the European Parliament Committee on Economic and Monetary Affairs asserts that cryptocurrency can be used as an…

July 25, 2018

Breaking: G20 Says Cryptocurrency Can Deliver ‘Significant Benefits’ to Financial System and Worldwide Economy

Finance ministers from the world’s 20 largest economies say they're cautiously optimistic about the impact cryptocurrency can have on the world…

July 23, 2018

South Korea Makes 2018 the Year of Bitcoin and Cryptocurrency Acceptance

South Korea has done a crypto pivot. Regulators announced today that the Financial Services Commission (FSC) is establishing a policymaking body…

July 20, 2018